A Guide to Working and Living in China as Business Expatriates

国家移民管理局National Immigration Admistration 为便利外国商务人士在华工作生活,商务部会同相关部门汇编了《外国商务人士在华工作生活指引》(2024年版),分为注意事项、日常生活服务、在华停居留服务、在华工作相关服务四部分,涵盖办理住宿、通信卡、银行卡、居留许可证、工作许可证、社会保险、开通移动支付、乘坐交通工具、缴纳个人所得税等事项,供外国商务人士在华工作生活参考使用。今后,我们将根据相关政策和办理流程的调整,每年更新一次《外国商务人士在华工作生活指引》。 To facilitate foreign business expatriates working and living in China, the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, in collaboration with relevant departments, has compiled A Guide to Working and Living in China as Business Expatriates (2024 Edition) . It includes four parts, Notes, Daily Life Services, Services for

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Five New Measures to Facilitate Entries of Foreigners

国家移民管理局从1月11日起正式施行便利外籍人员来华5项措施,进一步打通外籍人员来华经商、学习、旅游的相关堵点,更好地服务保障高水平对外开放,服务促进高质量发展。 The National Immigration Administration (NIA) has officially implemented five measures on January 11, aimed at simplifying the process for foreign nationals seeking to visit China. The measures are designed to make business activities, education, and tours in China more accessible for foreign nationals. The measures will further eliminate hurdles related to doing business, studying,

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YCIS Chongqing Primary Bilingual Poetry Competition | 中英诗歌比赛展风采

The recent Primary Bilingual Poetry Competition held at YCIS Chongqing was a remarkable showcase of talent and linguistic prowess, bringing our primary learning community together to explore the power, and fun, contained within language. The event commenced with mesmerizing bilingual performances by our K4 students, setting the stage with poetic brilliance. 近期,重庆耀中国际学校举办了中英双语诗歌大赛,小学部双语学习共同体齐聚一堂,充分展示了学生们出色的才华和语言能力。幼教部四岁班的双语表演拉开了比赛的序幕。   Lower Primary

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Outpacing the World with Outstanding IBDP Results 心之所向 乘风逐浪

YCIS Chongqing’s Year 13 graduates, after eagerly awaiting their IB exam results since May, have once again been recognised for their outstanding achievements! 自从今年五月完成IB大考之后,重庆耀中国际学校十三年级毕业班的学生们就翘首企足地等待成绩揭晓。如今IB大考放榜,我们的毕业生再次荣获佳绩! The IBDP is known for its challenging and comprehensive nature. While the final exam is a crucial component, students also undertake a series of Internal Assessments (IAs), Extended Essays (EEs), Theory

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  弊社は2015年に設立致しました。 業務内容は主に重慶・成都・杭州などに進出されております。日系企業様の為の不動産・コンサルティング会社として、駐在員様の住居の紹介に関連する契約手続きを主な業務としております。上記の業務内容に付きましては、単に物件紹介にとどまらず、中国での生活に関するあらゆる面でサポート致します。   弊社のサービス内容 1.弊社の豊富な不動産物件データベースからの情報提供 2.物件見学の手配 3.契約費用、サービス内容の交渉代行 4.契約内容の確認 5.引越し業者の紹介 6.入居前物件修理などの確認 7.入居日の立会 8.住居証明書、ビサ等の手続代行 9.光熱費等の支払代行 10.入居後のアフターサービス 11.契約更新・解約の手続代行保 12.証金の返済保障   弊社は今成都、重慶、杭州、南通、湛江、合肥、武漢で事務所を成立して、サービスを提供できます。   スペース不動産 携帯:159-8234-6894 e-mail:candy@spacechengdu.com

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YCIS Chongqing Enjoying a Banner Year for University Acceptances

Our senior IBDP students continue to receive offers from universities around the world, despite some challenging conditions for acceptance rates, particularly in the US market. Background Many universities in the US continue to break records for the number of applicants that are applying for limited spaces. The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), for example, received a

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Strategic Alliance

On 8 :00 PM, Friday,13 November 2020, Marked as important milestone in the development of luxury estate in Chongqing at Orchid Garden Life Aesthetics Pavilion, in a signing ceremony, the Space relocation and Green Town property announced a strategic alliance to partnership to deepen their cooperation in foreign- related leasing industry in Chongqing. The two

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