Real-World Medical Immersion | 今天,他们解锁了一个新身份

The YCYW Super-Curricular Programmes (SCP) are revolutionizing education by empowering students to thrive in a rapidly changing world. 通过开发与前沿研究相结合的丰富学习项目,耀中耀华超级联课课程(简称SCP)为学生在日新月异的世界中赋予力量。 Recently, seven secondary students from YCIS Chongqing embarked on an extraordinary journey, joining forces with peers from across our network of YCYW schools throughout Chinese Mainland and Hong Kong SAR for the YCYW Medical Immersion Programme.

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Five New Measures to Facilitate Entries of Foreigners

国家移民管理局从1月11日起正式施行便利外籍人员来华5项措施,进一步打通外籍人员来华经商、学习、旅游的相关堵点,更好地服务保障高水平对外开放,服务促进高质量发展。 The National Immigration Administration (NIA) has officially implemented five measures on January 11, aimed at simplifying the process for foreign nationals seeking to visit China. The measures are designed to make business activities, education, and tours in China more accessible for foreign nationals. The measures will further eliminate hurdles related to doing business, studying,

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YCIS Chongqing Primary Bilingual Poetry Competition | 中英诗歌比赛展风采

The recent Primary Bilingual Poetry Competition held at YCIS Chongqing was a remarkable showcase of talent and linguistic prowess, bringing our primary learning community together to explore the power, and fun, contained within language. The event commenced with mesmerizing bilingual performances by our K4 students, setting the stage with poetic brilliance. 近期,重庆耀中国际学校举办了中英双语诗歌大赛,小学部双语学习共同体齐聚一堂,充分展示了学生们出色的才华和语言能力。幼教部四岁班的双语表演拉开了比赛的序幕。   Lower Primary

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Scholarship Season 2024-2025: Apply Now! | 奖学金正式开放申请

We are delighted to announce the opening of application for Yew Chung Yew Wah (YCYW) Scholarship Programme for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year. 我们很高兴地宣布,2024-2025学年度耀中耀华奖学金计划已正式启动! This merit-based award recognizes exceptional students entering Year 7 to Year 13 who demonstrate outstanding academic achievements, leadership potential, and a commitment to community service. The YCYW Scholarship Programme is designed to

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Visa-Free Travel for 5 European Countries & Malaysia

11月24日,外交部发言人毛宁发布消息:为进一步促进中外人员往来,服务高质量发展和高水平对外开放,中方决定试行扩大单方面免签国家范围,对法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、西班牙、马来西亚6个国家持普通护照人员试行单方面免签政策。2023年12月1日至2024年11月30日期间,上述国家持普通护照人员来华经商、旅游观光、探亲访友和过境不超过15天,可免签入境。上述国家不符合免签条件人员仍需在入境前办妥来华签证。China has announced they will offer visa-free entry to travelers holding ordinary passports from France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Malaysia from December 1, 2023, to November 30, 2024, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning announced on Friday,November 24th,2023. She said that citizens from those countries are able to enter China without a visa and

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Founder’s Day 2023

On October 13, 2023, YCIS Chongqing had a wonderful learning experience at this year’s Founder’s Day, celebrating 91 years of academic excellence across the many schools within the Yew Chung Yew Wah Education Network. 10月13日这天,重庆耀中国际学校全体师生共同庆祝了楚珩日,颂扬耀中耀华教育网络91年来在教育领域的累累硕果,享受了一场充满活力的庆典。 Days like this truly showcase the incredible community we have at YCIS Chongqing. Students were treated to a special programme

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A Memorable Community Fun Day | 炫目“趣”耀中 多巴胺爆棚

On the afternoon of Saturday, September 16th, YCIS Chongqing’s sports field was transformed into a hub of excitement with colorful balloons, elegant tents, twinkling lights, and the enchanting presence of a bubble machine. 9月16日,星期六傍晚,重庆耀中国际学校运动场变身为一个欢乐的“多巴胺”释放基地,色彩斑澜的气球、硕大的天幕帐篷、闪烁的星星灯、飞舞的泡泡,上演着重庆耀中社区欢乐日的精彩剧集。 With its delightful gastronomic offerings, captivating games and entertainment, and a diverse array of attendees ranging from YCIS parents and students

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YCIS Chongqing Continues to Shine in IGCSE Results | 万里星光 一如既往

YCIS Chongqing is proud to share the news of our student’s outstanding IGCSE examination results in 2023. The amazing achievements are a testament to the commitment, dedication and hard work of both our students and our academic staff. 重庆耀中国际学校很荣幸与大家分享2023年IGCSE学生的卓越成绩。优秀的成绩离不开学生们的刻苦努力和教师团队的辛勤付出。 The remarkable results include: 今年的成绩亮点如下: ✅ 55% of all entries awarded A* or A  55%的成绩达到A*或A ✅

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