Sensational Student Scholarships 重磅!重庆耀中奖学金获奖名单揭晓!

This academic year saw YCIS Chongqing introduce a Scholarship Programme, this is a merit-based award that recognises the highest level of academic achievement, leadership, and service.  本学年,重庆耀中国际学校重磅推出了奖学金计划。秉承“与科技结盟、与文艺结盟,与仁爱结盟”的校训,耀中耀华奖学金项目代表了学生在学术、领导力与社区服务方面取得的最高成就。 It targets highly motivated and talented students from around the world who can benefit from a bilingual international education with a strong creative element. A Yew Chung Yew Wah

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YCIS Chongqing Celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival 金秋送桂香,趣味迎佳节

At YCIS Chongqing we are always looking for opportunities to celebrate traditional Chinese festivals in a unique way, while still maintaining the importance of these events within our calendar. 秋风送爽,丹桂飘香。近日,许多别具特色的中秋艺术作品点缀了重庆耀中国际学校的校园。 This year our students have showcased their respect and recognition of Chinese culture as well as their good wishes to the people they miss and

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Exploring Chongqing 探索重庆

As part of YCIS Chongqing’s commitment to providing a holistic education, this summer, we offered a variety of ‘camps’ to our students, but why do we think these experiences are important in the development of the whole child? 作为重庆耀中全人教育理念的重要元素,我们认为研学经历对于学生的全面发展是非常重要的,所以在今年夏天,我们为学生们提供了丰富多彩的夏令营活动。   Today’s children spend more than 7.5 hours a day engaged with technology, attending these types

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