Celebrating Achievements | 重庆耀中学生在音乐比赛中取得卓越成绩

At YCIS, we take great pride in nurturing the unique talents of our students and celebrating their remarkable achievements. We are thrilled to share the outstanding success of our talented students and teachers in recent prestigious music competitions.

Melbourne International Music Competition
We are proud to announce that Year 6 student Joyce Wu has demonstrated exceptional talent by winning First Place in a prominent music competition in China. Adding to her achievements, Joyce went on to achieve First Place once again in the Final Round of the 9th Melbourne International Music Competition held in Australia.六年级Joyce同学不仅在全国音乐比赛中获得小提琴组中国区第一名,她更获得了第九届墨尔本国际音乐比赛的决赛冠军。

Chopin International Music Festival
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Year 4 student Rene Wang for her exceptional performance at the esteemed Chopin International Music Festival. Rene’s outstanding skills on the cello led her to claim the coveted First Prize. She also secured First Prize in a national cello competition, further showcasing her exceptional talent.四年级Rene同学荣获肖邦国际音乐节暨第31届肖邦国际少年儿童钢琴比赛第一名,同时她还获得了星辰杯全国青少年素质教育展演——管弦乐专项第一名。

Zhongsin International Music Competition
Year 5 student Colin Zhou and Year 2 student Jasper Ke showcased their dedication and musical prowess in the highly competitive 18th Zhongsin International Music Competition. Their remarkable performances on the violin and piano respectively earned them both the First Prize in their respective categories, representing YCIS with excellence.在今年年初举行的第18届中新国际音乐比赛中,我校五年级Colin同学荣获小提琴比赛第一名, 二年级Jasper 同学荣获钢琴比赛第一名。

International Music Competition- La Fenice
We are delighted to celebrate the accomplishment of Luca Sorrentino, a talented pianist and esteemed YCIS Chongqing teacher. Luca’s musical brilliance and unwavering dedication led him to secure First Prize in the International Music Competition- La Fenice, held by the Italian and French governments, adding to his list of achievements.此外,我校才华横溢的Sorrentino老师在近期由意大利和法国政府联合举办的La Fenice国际音乐比赛中获得钢琴一等奖。获此殊荣无疑为他的职业生涯锦上添花。

The achievements highlight the exceptional musical talent fostered at YCIS Chongqing. We eagerly anticipate witnessing further success from our talented students as they continue their journeys.